What colours define your Human Design chart?

Coloured centres in human design

The human design body chart has 9 centres. Each centre relates to one of the chakras and represents a specific aspect of how we function.

The Solar Plexus, for example, located on the very right side of the chart is the centre for emotions. The Throat centre, located near the throat, is the centre for communication and so on. 
In our own personal human design chart each of these centres are either coloured in, which means they’re defined, or they are white, which means they are open.

While the actual colour doesn’t mean anything specifically, when a centre is coloured in – anything other than white – it means you have definition in this centre and therefore a consistent way of experiencing this energy. 

When a centre is white it means you are open in this centre and you can experience the characteristics of this centre in many different ways. For example, if your Throat centre is defined you will have a consistent way of communicating and using your voice. When your Throat centre is white, and therefore open, you don’t have consistency here so you can use your voice in many different ways. 

Having an open centre also means you can pick up on the energies of other people who have this centre defined and you can amplify this energy. This means with an open Throat centre you can adapt your voice and communication style to suit to the person you are with. 

Having an open centre allows you to become wise about all the different ways of experiencing the energy from this centre. It can also cause you to pick up the traits of the people you spend the most time with who have these centres defined. This can lead you to believe that these traits are actually your own, conditioning you to believe you are/feel/think something you are not.

Which centres are coloured in and which are white on your Human Design chart? Remember the colour of the centre isn’t important; centres are always the same colour if they are defined. What’s most important to notice, is where you have consistency because you have these centres defined and where you don’t have consistency because you have these centres open. Your open centres will be where you have the most opportunity for growth and wisdom but may also have caused you to become conditioned by the people you’ve spent the most time with. 

If you’ve never seen your Human Design chart you can get it for free here. If you need more help understanding your centres and your chart please get in touch for a Human Design session where we can explore your chart in more detail.


Where to find empathy in the Human Design Chart