Human Design Reports

Unlock your personal human design details captured in a written report crafted especially for you. Read about your purpose or discover what your chart reveals about the unique and beautiful person you were born to be.

Human design introductory report

FREE Human Design Chart & Intro Report

Get a copy of your unique human design chart and a personalised report all about you and your type.

Learn how to make good decisions and how to operate yourself optimally. 

Holding the Life Transformation report

Life Transformation Report


Do you want to know how to optimise your life to be the best version of yourself? Learn how you’re designed to digest food and life, which environment is most supportive for you, how you’re designed to see other people and how you’re motivated to interact with the world.  

Reading the Full Human Design Report

Full Human Design Report


Are you feeling overwhelmed by the complexity of human design? Uncover the meaning of every aspect in your chart and gain clarity about who you are designed to be so you can have the confidence to navigate life as yourself in this full report.

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

~ Aristotle