Human Design Projector
Projector Human Design Types comprise about 24% of the population.
Projectors are born to be the natural managers and leaders of the world. You’re here to guide and direct others (specifically, the Generator Types). They are remarkable beings who are very wise.
Projectors are here to deeply understand others. By simply watching other energy’ types (Generators), Projectors can intuitively know how the other person can maximize their energy and their potential. This makes them a natural coach and mentor.
Projectors are here to help heal the planet and to scrub the energy of the world towards a brighter future. Projectors can be powerful healers and can sense the life force energy within other people.
Projector's strategy for success is to wait to be recognised and invited to the big things in life such as romance, friendships, career, work opportunities and where to live. This means they can’t just get an idea and go out and do it successfully, such as find a job. If they do, they may meet with resistance and an undesired outcome. Instead, they need to wait for the bigs things to come to them in the form of an invitation.
For example, rather than starting their own business based on an idea they have, they will have more success if they wait for someone to come to them with a business deal or offer - arriving in the form as an invitation. This will then have come to them in the correct way for a Projector – by invitation.
Once a Projector receives an invitation, they need to determine if it’s the right invitation for them. If it is, and they action the invitation, they will have a much more successful and satisfying outcome. Projectors also need to wait for an invitation before sharing their gifts, guidance and direction with others. Failing to wait for an invitation to share, causes their sharing to either fall on deaf ears or others won't hear what they have to say in the way it was intended.
The key here is in the waiting and trusting that these invitations will come. It is through waiting that Projectors get recognised and others will feel compelled to invite them into the big things in life and to share their gifts. They can't hide away from the world while they are waiting. They must be out in it to be seen so they can be recognised because they will get noticed. People will project their energy and desires onto Projectors and they will feel naturally inclined to invite Projectors to share their knowledge, advice and wisdom. The best way to encourage these invitations from others is for Projectors to stop, slow down and wait for others to recognise their power.
If an invitation feels good for a Projector and they accept it, they channel an enormous amount of energy and power into that situation. They can then use that energy to manage others and the world around them.
Emotional Theme - Bitterness
Projectors, for all their wisdom, can have a frustrating and debilitating life process if they try to push themselves and initiate action. They simply don't have the energy for it. When they do try to initiate, they burn themselves out very quickly. A Projectors challenge is to trust that the right invitations will come and to wait for those invitations. Sometimes this means waiting months or years for the right invitation. This can cause Projectors to feel bitter because waiting doesn't seem fair.
Projectors must remember that they aren't like Generator types and they you MUST wait for an invitation to the big things in life. Projectors don’t have to be invited to do everyday things like going to dinner and deciding what movie to watch. Waiting for an invitation ONLY applies to the big things such as where to live, their work and their relationships. Once they get invited into a big thing and they accept that invitation, they can then initiate without needing to wait for an invitation.
For example, once they're invited into a new business and they start working in that business, they don’t have to wait for invitations to do work within that business. Once they've entered these big things in the correct way (through an invitation), they're in, no more waiting is required.
Projectors are not here to work in the traditional sense. They don’t have the energy for it. Working a traditional 9 – 5 job isn't sustainable for them – especially as they get older. They may receive a lot of judgment from others and be perceived as "lazy". It is actually unhealthy for Projectors to initiate any kind of action or to work at the wrong kind of jobs on a steady basis. Projectors can act as though they have this sustainable energy when they are young by drawing on the energy of those around them. If they continue to work like this most of their life, by the time they are 35 or 40 years old they can burn themselves out completely.
Projectors can oftentimes work very, very hard with very little results. They tell other people to do things who take their advice and succeed even though they may not. The way for Projectors to succeed at work is to wait for an invitation for work that they can respond to.
Projectors need time alone and lots of breaks so they can rest and discharge the energy they pick up from others. Rest and down time is essential for them to remain healthy. Burn out can occur not just from working too much but any time they try to live as someone they’re not because this takes immense energy.
Without recognising their lack of sustainable energy and their need for regular rest and alone time, burn out can lead to autoimmune disorders. Often Projectors get unwell because of this and no one can diagnose what’s wrong with them. Projectors can get so unwell after years of not listening to their internal need to rest, that one day they just can’t get out of bed: they've completely fried their circuits.
When a Projector completely fries their circuits they don’t have the same ability to bounce back and draw on the sacral energy the way Generator types can. It’s very important that they recognise this early on in life before it’s too late to recover from illness caused by years of working and pushing too hard against their nature.
Projectors need to go to bed before they're tired. This allows them the time to download and finish processing the energy they've picked up during the day before they fall asleep. Lying down before they are ready to sleep is key. This can involve lying in bed and reading, listening to music, or just lying there allowing themselves to drift off to sleep when they are naturally ready. This will ensure they get a better quality of sleep.
Projectors should sleep alone if possible or with another non-sacral being (any type except Generators). When Projectors sleep next to Generators they can pick up on their sacral energy which can lead to a very restless sleep.
Famous Projectors
Steven Speilberg
John F. Kennedy
Paul McCartney
Taylor Swift
Barack Obama
Demi Moore.